Lifecycle status: End of Life
Replacement product: FactoryTalk® Optix™

Since March 1st, 2023, UNIQO ends its life cycle, entering in the End of Development and End of Life phase. This means that ASEM will end developments of the platform, while still continuing maintenance (hotfix) and technical support activities to its customers. In addition, it will no longer be possible to purchase new licenses for the QStudio development environment, while Runtime for PC platform and embedded products integrating UNIQO such as HMI50s and RM2x routers will remain available.

However, the new FactoryTalk® Optix™ software platform, born by the collaboration between ASEM and Rockwell Automation, is fully compatible with projects developed with UNIQO, so it will be possible to switch to the FT Optix™ Studio development environment and FT Optix™ Runtime by converting the project developed with UNIQO.

Please contact technical support for any clarification or information. 

Telephone: +39 0362 859124 

Fax: +39 0362 859121 

E-mail: supportsw@asem.it

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